SibWoodExpo Business Program News
The preparation of business program for 2020 year ‘s exhibition is in process.
Within the framework of 27th international exhibition of equipment, materials and products of logging, woodworking industry and wooden housing construction SIBWOODEXPO-2020, which will be held from September 9th to September 11th , 2020 in Bratsk city, organization of round tables and business meetings is planned.
“Sibexpocentre” OJSC, BrSU and the German House of Science and Innovation (GDNI) began to create business program of exhibition. The German side took initiative to attract scientists and specialists from universities and research centers in Germany, dealing with timber processing, reforestation, forest fire fighting technologies, as well as specialists from Federal Ministry of Forestry of Germany.
Sibexpocentre, BrSU and State Scientific Research Institute plan to hold a major event in Bratsk with participation of German and Russian forest experts from research centers and universities, whose experience and practical knowledge will certainly be useful and needed by forest industry professionals and put into practice for work in the forest.
It is important to note the Russian side, which also plans participation of representatives from relevant universities. We established relationship with universities, and gave already got feedbacks from them. At the moment, three main areas have been identified in which round tables and scientific and practical conferences will be organized. The topic of the business programme will be:
Forestry and wood processing, reforestation and fight against forest fires, construction and exploitation of forest roads.
Today, the following universities have confirmed their participation in exhibition’s business programme:
• St. Petersburg State Forestry University
· Mytishchi branch of Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman (National Research University)
· Pacific National University (Khabarovsk)
· Ukhta State Technical University
• Voronezh State Forestry University named after G.F. Morozov
• Perm National Research Polytechnic University
• Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after academician M.F. Reshetneva
• Bratsk State University
• Lesosibirsky branch of the Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after academician M.F. Reshetneva
• Ural Forestry University
• Yakut State Agricultural Academy
• Bryansk State Engineering and Technology University
• Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
• Volga State Technological University
• Voronezh State University of Engineering Technology
• Petrozavodsk State University
The topics of round tables will touch upon the most important issues of forest industry; will raise the theme of current trends and problems of logging production. Speakers will also discuss problems of sawmill production and deep processing of wood, talk about reforestation and growing planting material with a closed root system, forest fires and the fight against them will be the main topic, as well as construction and operation of logging roads.
SibWoodExpo商业计划的 新闻
•西伯利亚国立科技大学,以M.F.院士的名字命名。 列谢特涅娃